With Graduation Season all in this month, we are getting ready to bid farewell to the great Class of 2024 in our school system. We have been told only a few of our seniors have applied, so we need to make sure all seniors and their parents are aware of this opportunity to earn Federal dollars to help your child go to college or university if that is the path they are following after graduation.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a form completed by current and

prospective college students in the United States to determine their eligibility for student financial aid.

FAFSA is the First Step to ALL Financial Aid. And with the Next NC Scholarship, most students from households with incomes of $80,000 or less will qualify for at least $3,000/year to attend a NC community college that covers all tuition and fees. For students planning to go to a UNC institution, they can get $5,000/year that covers more than half, if not all, tuition and fees. And for students going to a NC private college there is a state need-based scholarship for them, too.

But it all starts with FAFSA!

It is not too late, Seniors and their parents! Go ahead and fill the FAFSA application online as soon as possible! Our school counselors are a great source of support if help is needed in completing the application!

Check out these websites for more information and to apply!